Health Savings Account (HSA)
If you enroll in the High Deductible Medical Plan and meet all other IRS requirements, consider contributing to the Fidelity Investments HSA. You can make your contributions through convenient tax-free payroll deductions to save for your current or future health care needs. You may change your contribution amount during annual enrollment or at any time from January through December (as long as any change to your election for December is received by November 30). Note: If you have a current HSA contribution election, it will automatically remain in place and carry over each year (as long as you continue in the High Deductible Medical Plan).
Make your choice
Other considerations
- The HSA and High Deductible Medical Plan make a great pair. They work together to help you get the care you need, save on taxes and prepare for your future. Read more.
- Decide how much to contribute through convenient pre-tax payroll deductions, up to IRS limits:
- Employee Only coverage ― contribute up to $4,300 in 2025 (increased from $4,150 maximum in 2024)
- Other coverage tiers ― contribute up to $8,550 in 2025 (increased from $8,300 maximum in 2024)
- If you are age 55 or older ― contribute up to an additional $1,000
If you enrolling as a new hire, keep in mind HSA eligibility and mid-year enrollment rules. Learn more.
- How you use your HSA money is up to you. You can use it like a regular bank account to pay the health care bills you have today ― or a savings or investment account that you can grow and use for health care bills in the years to come.
- Paying is easy with the debit card. You can pay your provider directly using the HSA debit card and skip completing forms and submitting receipts. Note: Keep your receipts for your tax records.
- Use your HSA dollars tax free. Pay for qualified non-preventive care, as well as dental and vision costs. For all qualifying expenses, refer to IRS Publication No. 502.
- The HSA is yours. You own and manage your individual account. It is not maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Dow. Read more.
- You will not lose what you do not use. The money remains in your account and can grow tax free over time. This makes the HSA a great way to save for future needs, including in retirement. Even if you leave Dow, all contributions and earnings are yours to take with you.
Maximize your HSA throughout the year
Get the most from the HSA by contributing as much as you can (up to the annual maximum), considering investment options through Fidelity and spending wisely considering both current expenses and goals for saving for the future. For additional information, watch the video from Fidelity.
Other considerations
- How you use your HSA money is up to you. You can use it like a regular bank account to pay the health care bills you have today ― or a savings or investment account that you can grow and use for health care bills in the years to come.
- Paying is easy with the debit card. You can pay your provider directly using the HSA debit card and skip completing forms and submitting receipts. Note: Keep your receipts for your tax records.
- Use your HSA dollars tax free. Pay for qualified non-preventive care, as well as dental and vision costs. For all qualifying expenses, refer to IRS Publication No. 502.
- The HSA is yours. You own and manage your individual account. It is not maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Dow. Read more.
- You will not lose what you do not use. The money remains in your account and can grow tax free over time. This makes the HSA a great way to save for future needs, including in retirement. Even if you leave Dow, all contributions and earnings are yours to take with you.
Maximize your HSA throughout the year
Get the most from the HSA by contributing as much as you can (up to the annual maximum), considering investment options through Fidelity and spending wisely considering both current expenses and goals for saving for the future. For additional information, watch the video from Fidelity.